I've just finished making some new rockbox themes, using Win Media Player 11 design elements, I know, there is already one which is pretty good, but I had something else in my mind, so here is the result:
As you can see there are 11 themes in this package, I used a few of my preferred background images, but feel free to use your one, you can get the psd file from here, just add your background image and save the result to your theme directory. See here for more details about creating rockbox themes.
* Download the whole package including all themes: jBlackGlass-$yourdevice$-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz
* Patches: Get the latest patches from here
* Rockbox prebuild binaries (with all the patches applied): rockbox-jbuild-YYYYMMDD-$yourdevice$.tar.gz (IMPORTANT: you will need the latest rockbox daily build and after installing that on you iPod overwrite the files with the ones from my build)
* Download PSD files from here
Copyright: hmmm, good subject :). I think WMP11 is done by Microsoft :) and the background were created by different people, but I don't really know which one was made by who, so please don't be mad at me if you don't see your name here, just send me a letter and I will put it up, but I would like to thank you in advance for this great wallpapers and I hope you don't mind seeing them here.
Note: Stev just pointed out that the "jellyfish" background was made by the Digital Blasphemy art team, so I would like to thank them! and some of the other backgrounds are from DeviantArt, so thanks to them and to the authors too!
NOTE2: A lot of people asked me for the font (nimbus-14.fnt) which is used by the theme, and because the fonts are provided by rockbox I didn't pack them into my themes, so VERY IMPORTANT download the latest font package from the rockbox server and you should have the right fonts.
Ok, thats all, enjoy as I do :)
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