Seth Jenkins kindly asked me to port the jBlackGlass iPod Video theme to the iPod photo, so I did :) but before I take all the credits :) I should say that I couldn't do it without his help, hi helped me a lot with testing and so on, so I would like to thank him for all his help and time with this! Thanks again Seth!

So here you go:

* Download the whole package including all themes: jBlackGlass-$yourdevice$-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz
* Patches: Get the latest patches from here
* Rockbox prebuild binaries (with all the patches applied): rockbox-jbuild-YYYYMMDD-$yourdevice$.tar.gz (IMPORTANT: you will need the latest rockbox daily build and after installing that on you iPod overwrite the files with the ones from my build)
* Download PSD files from here

Copyright: I think I stay with the same note that I wrote at the video version of this theme.

NOTE: A lot of people asked me for the font (nedore-9.fnt) which is used by the theme, and because the fonts are provided by rockbox I didn't pack them into my themes, so VERY IMPORTANT download the latest font package from the rockbox server and you should have the right fonts.

Enjoy your iPod :)